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She Said Privacy/He Said Security

Mar 28, 2024

Bill Piwonka is the Chief Marketing Officer for Exterro, a data risk management and privacy platform. Over the past 30 years, he has led marketing teams and initiatives spanning strategy, product marketing, product management, demand generation, and business development. As a semi-retired tech executive, he also spends his time as a philanthropist, mentor, and board member.

In this episode…

 Data has become an all-consuming subject in business, with modern technology affording a comprehensive view of all kinds of data. With data retention, information is easier to access now than ever, but that power comes with valid concerns and questions. So how can you mitigate such high levels of risk and complexity?

Companies such as Exterro are working to keep a tighter rein on data retention and infrastructure. Topics of e-discovery, privacy, digital forensics, and data governance are vital for compliance and user security. Learn how these concerns are being addressed by leading professionals today.

this episode of She Said Privacy/He Said Security, Jodi and Justin Daniels speak with Bill Piwonka, the Chief Marketing Officer at Exterro, on the subject of data retention and how it relates to privacy. They go step-by-step through the pressing concerns, how companies like Exterro seek to help, how laws play into the equation, and keeping up with the lightning-fast pace of AI development.