Oct 7, 2021
Zack Schuler is the Founder and CEO of NINJIO, a cybersecurity training company. NINJIO uses short, engaging Hollywood-style videos to teach organizations, employees, and families how to protect themselves against cyber threats and cyber scams. Zack and his team guide and empower workers at some of the world's largest organizations to prevent cyber attacks. They focus on creatively engaging and educating users to protect their organizations and those around them.
Zack graduated from California State University Northridge with a degree in marketing. During college, he founded Cal Net Technology Group, the largest IT Services provider to small and medium-sized businesses in Los Angeles. It was later acquired by Olympic Valley and Boathouse Capital and subsequently by NexusTek, a nationwide IT Service Provider.
Is your company’s cybersecurity training putting everyone to sleep? Do you wish there was more effective training that wouldn’t be such a snooze-fest?
NINJIO is revolutionizing the way companies train employees about cybersecurity. Rather than a boring 45-minute PowerPoint presentation, NINJIO creates short videos with actual Hollywood scriptwriters to teach organizations that online security matters. Regularly scheduled lessons with infographics sink in deeper with every repetition. The training doesn’t stop with the employees either — they have training videos for the whole family so your employees can be secure anywhere.
In this episode of She Said Privacy/He Said Security, Jodi and Justin Daniels sit down with Zack Schuler, Founder and CEO of NINJIO, to discuss how to improve your company’s cybersecurity training. Zack talks about the neuroscience that backs up NINJIO’s strategy, why your executives’ attitude about training matters, and how to make cybersecurity practices as automatic as locking your car door. Stay tuned!